Thursday, March 27, 2008

One World Family

Hello and welcome to my new "home of expression" via....the Mind! This is a blog site that will be defining and redefining the nature of Mind and the deeper meaning of six and a half billion people operating in a functional way as, indeed......ONE WORLD FAMILY!


When we close our eyes, focus our attention on the breath and observe the chit chat inside our head, we can't help but notice that we are not the myriad voices and impulses cluttering up the airwaves. We are the soul, and our head is akin to a radio transmitter-receiver that picks up on all that which has been recorded in the space and material atomic stucture of our planet. Our thoughts, words and deeds are recorded in the territory where the event happened. (Walk into room after the scene of an arguement and feel the energy). Our bodies hold and carry the mind energies as well.


God-Spirit radiating through the neutron centers of all well as through US. We are parts and parcels of this huge, unknown, infinite, dynamic force many call GOD.


Thinking, guessing and supposing is based on external sources of information. When we go within, focus on the breath and hold silence (as much as possible) there is a higher frequency that we can train ourselves to tune into. This inner guidance is of Knowing and goes beyond the intellect. It is more heart centered without being mushy and emotional.


God-Spirit is currently directing humanity to operate from their higher knowing to coordinate (via computers) their goods and services...needs and abilities....on ONE HIGH STANDARD! for all people as one planetary family. There is only one creator....and one creation....and the Universe is IT. This is the highest fulfillment of the useage of computers....coming from the heart...serving one another in a joyful. beautiful way! The current state of economic affairs is part of this transition into a totally new way of Life which is positive and serves EVERYONE.

THE 30/30 PLAN

Half the planet coordinates themselves to take time off (rest, recreate, travel, study,etc.) while the other half coordinates service shifts. All food, clothing, care, shelter,transportation, utilities, communications etc., are provided on ONE HIGH STANDARD for absolutly FREE for all people. Every 30 days people rotate from receiving (time off) to giving (serving) and back and forth according to the individual needs of the people. The concept of work-drudgery drops out of the picture as all citizens everywhere learn the superior benefits of SERVING from the heart in ways that help, love and lift EVERYONE!